Terms & Conditions
I understand that payment is required for the place on the class to be secured, non payment will result in the booking being cancelled and allow another person to take the space.
I understand there is a no refund policy and if I cannot attend any of the sessions, that class will be forfeit. In the event of the studio having to cancel a session, a class will be rescheduled, where this is not possible a class credit will be issued.
I understand that term fees have been averaged over a 48 week period (extra for bank holidays where applicable) so it will be the same amount each month regardless of whether it is 3, 4 or 5 lessons/child absence, I understand that this takes into consideration studio closure at Christmas time and essentially gives you an additional 2-3 weeks free over the year for your holidays. I understand that cancelling and re-enrolling may be subject to additional charges for classes taken. Eg. Cancelling in Dec and signing back up in Jan may result in the discounted weeks being charged for.
I understand that I am responsible for letting Halo know if my child is no longer going to be attending, failure to do so may result in having fees outstanding and late payment charges of 10% being added should payment not be made. I understand whilst my child is booked on then that place cannot be taken by anyone else.
I understand that in certain classes - acro/aerial the instructor may be required to physically spot my child to assist them in the move they are learning for their safety and understanding of the position they need to achieve. I also understand that due to the nature of these classes my child my develop occasional bruising from the use of the apparatus, this is normal whilst learning these skills.
Covid 19:
To the best of my knowledge, my child(student)
Have not shown any symptoms of Covid-19 in the past 14 days. According to the NHS and Gov.UK, below are the main symptoms:
~ High temperature
~ New, continuous cough
~ Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Has not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or shown any of the above symptoms in the past 14 days
Has worn a protective mask (Where applicable)when in public situations where social distancing is not consistently possible
Understand they could be a carrier of Covid-19 and be asymptomatic
Understand that they could contract Covid-19 from an asymptomatic person at our studio or from a contaminated surface at our studio
Am fully aware of the studio’s safety procedures (posted on our studio wall) to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and will follow these procedures
Agree to inform the studio/school immediately if they have developed symptoms within a two week period of being in the studio, or if I have learned that they have been in direct contact with someone who has later tested positive for Covid-19 within the same two week period or travelled in the last 14 days to a Covid-19 risk area
Agree to inform the studio of any allergies that they may have to cleaning products, PPE or similar that may be used at this time and may adversely affect their health
Agree that data provided on this form can be used to contact me if they have been in a class with a person that has developed symptoms or has been in direct contact with somebody who has later tested positive for Covid-19
Agree to inform the studio immediately if I learn that any of the above information changes or I obtain new information